Departments & Services

Welcome to the Municipality of Pictou County

The Municipality of Pictou County has a population of about 20,000 and is the largest of the six municipal governments located in Pictou County. It is considered a rural government, unlike the other five urban units. 

Municipality of the County of Pictou Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Public Hearing

TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm the Municipal Council for the Municipality of the County of Pictou will hold a Public Hearing on its Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) for the entirety of the Municipality. The Public Hearing will be held in council chambers at 46 Municipal Drive in Pictou. The meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube.

The Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is the primary planning document for the Municipality which establishes the vision, goals and policies for growth and development. It is the roadmap that helps to guide decision making relating to what we build, where, and at what intensity. An MPS looks at many different aspects of life in the community including (but not limited to) housing, economic development, agriculture, drinking water, and infrastructure.

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is the companion document to the MPS, and puts the vision, goals, and policies into action through specific regulations that have to do with development activities. The LUB sets out things like the land-use zones, permitted uses for these zones, standards for development, performance standards, developments to be considered by development agreement, developments to be considered by site plan approval process, among other things.

Anyone wishing to speak at the Public Hearing should register by contacting Presenters will be given 5 minutes to address their concerns about the MPS and LUB to the Council.

Residents can also submit written comments for Council’s consideration. Comments may be submitted in writing to the Municipality at PO Box 910, Pictou, Nova Scotia, or by email to The deadline to receive written submissions is Monday February 24, 2025 at 4:00pm.

Residents of the Municipality wishing to view the MPS and LUB in its entirety can do so at the Municipal Administration Building, 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou, N.S. during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or on our website at

Brian Cullen

Chief Administrative Officer

In accordance with Section 206 (1)(b) of the Municipal Government Act, notice of the public hearing has been posted on the Municipality’s website effective February 12th, 2025, and will remain posted until after the public hearing.

To read a copy of the Municipal Planning Strategy click here.
To read a copy of the Land Use Bylaw click here.
To see a copy of the Land Use Bylaw Schedule A Zoning Map click here.
To see a copy of the MPS Schedule 'A’, Future Land Use Map click here


For information on the Rural Community Immigration Pilot visit


Stay in the know with MOPC Alert

The Municipality of Pictou County has a new tool to communicate with residents, MOPC Alert.

 MOPC Alert will be used to send our residents alerts about upcoming severe weather, comfort center locations and operating times. MOPC Alert will also be used to inform Municipal water customers when there are boil water advisories, or other water-related issues that may be relevant.

We've also recently added a section for residents who would like to be notified about upcoming public engagement meetings hosted by the MOPC.

MOPC Alert will only be used to provide precautionary information. It will NOT be used to convey information that would otherwise be sent through the Nova Scotia Public Alerting System (Alert Ready).

 Residents can choose what they want to be notified about and how they would like to be notified. Notifications can be sent by email, text message and/or by phone call.

Only those who sign up will receive notifications.

To sign up click here or scan the QR code in the image.

Nominate a volunteer for Volunteer of the Year!

April 27th to May 3rd is National Volunteer Week.
The Municipality of Pictou County takes this time to recognize the outstanding contribution of volunteers to the vibrancy and growth of our communities and rural lifestyle. Volunteers are special individuals who give freely of their time, talents, and enthusiasm for the benefit of others. Their efforts help to support many initiatives, services, events and programs and sustain us during times of crisis.
If you know an outstanding volunteer in your community who has contributed significantly to residents of the Municipality of the County of Pictou, we encourage you to submit a nomination form detailing their efforts.
The Municipality will select one nominee for official recognition as Volunteer of the Year, as well as a Youth Volunteer of the Year. These volunteers will be honoured at our annual Volunteer Awards Celebration in April.
Nomination forms can be downloaded on our website, at and should be addressed to the undersigned and received on or before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, 2025.

Cindy Fraser, Recreation Coordinator

Municipality of the County of Pictou

PO Box 910 (46 Municipal Drive)

Pictou, NS, B0K 1H0 (902-485-8528

MOPC Municipal Grant Applications for 2025

Municipal Grant Applications are now available. Municipal Grants are intended for non-profit sector and charitable organizations that provide community-based programs and services that replace, supplement, or complement our municipal mandate and benefit one or more council districts or the entire municipality. 

Organizations looking for support from the Municipality of Pictou County in the form of a Municipal Grant have until Feb. 28th, 2025 to submit a grant application. Forms are available at

The Council Grant application form must be filled out properly and corresponding information must be included with applications. Late applications will not be considered.