Effective Immediately: The Municipality of the County of Pictou continues to see record development and nowhere is this more evident than in our Building Services group. To help streamline our processes and deliver the highest levels of service possible during this building boom, the Municipality has introduced new approaches to process your building permit applications. These will include new online resources, administrative assistance, and dedicated appointments with our Building Officials, among other aids.
To book an appointment with MOPC Building Officials you can email buildingpermits@munpict.ca . You can also call 902-485-4588.
MOPC Building Officials now require appointments during business hours due to the higher volume of building permits being processed in the Municipality of Pictou County.
We look forward to working with you on your next development as we continue to experience and promote the sustainable growth and development of our beautiful region.
The Building Inspection Division of Public Works and Development is mandated to administer and enforce the Nova Scotia Provincial Building Code Regulations which the Municipality of Pictou County has adopted as required by law. This department is responsible for all new construction, alterations to buildings, relocations and demolitions.
Provincial regulations mandate the Municipality to use and administer the current adopted additions of the National Building Code of Canada for any new construction, additions, alterations or changes of occupancy.
For inquiries on building relating matters please contact the building officials at:
(902) 485-4588 or by email at buildingpermits@munpict.ca
You can access our online permit form by scanning this QR code:
The Building Inspection offices are located on the main floor of the Municipal Administration Building, 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou, Nova Scotia.