144 Construction Engineering Flight recruiting new members
The 144 Construction Engineering Flight is looking for new members.
Who we are: 144 CEF is an Air Force unit located in Pictou NS. We employ Reservists in the Construction and Mechanical trades of the Canadian Military Engineers. Personnel participate in local community construction projects, national and overseas construction and maintenance tasks.
As a Reserve Unit, all personnel are voluntary members and are paid for their service.
What we do: 144 CEF trains and employs members in the engineering trades. In order to train effective technicians we complete national level training, international operations and national operations and tasks.
As well, as part of our on the job training, we complete community projects for non-profit organizations in Pictou County.
How we train: Successful applicants will attend the Basic Military Qualification Course in St-Jean, QC. This 13-week course is common to all Canadian Armed Forces personnel and provide recruits with the basic core skills and knowledge needed by all trades, including basic weapon handling, drill instruction, first aid, etc. Following this course members attend trades training at the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering in Gagetown NB. Training is broken up by any trade and varies from 3-6 months. All training is conducted full-time with accommodations and meals provided. You will also be paid while attending Basic Training.
Following the basic training and trades training, you will be employed at the Flight in Pictou. Employment consists of full-time and part-time labour dependant on project workload. Additional full-time opportunities are usually available for members who are willing to travel. All travelling expenses are paid for by the military.
How to Join: We are always looking for new recruits in a variety of trades. Please contact us at the details below or visit your local Recruiting Center for additional information.
Contact us: In person at 237 Welsford Street, Pictou NS.
Phone: 902-485-1069 ext. 235
For additional information
National Recruiting Website: www.forces.ca
144 CEF Facebook page: www.facebook.com/144CEF