District 4 News
It is a time of great uncertainty as we welcome 2022. I encourage everyone to stay strong as we follow public health guidelines to keep each other safe.
The conditions of our roads continue to be an ongoing problem. The Nova Scotia Department of Public Works does most of the snow removal, ice control and road maintenance services in District 4.
This February, Nova Scotians will celebrate African Heritage Month. Heritage Day will be February 21, so please enjoy your day!
If you know of an outstanding volunteer in your community, I encourage you to submit a brief letter of nomination detailing their efforts. Forms can be downloaded from the MOPC website. The nomination deadline is February 11, 2022.
Please take advantage of all the helpful information in our Rural News and Views. Be sure to view our rural internet updates at www.ruralnet.munpict.ca.
Finally, thank you to everyone who is working in an essential service. We will get through this together. I am excited for the new year ahead and will continue to do my best. I look forward to working with you all.
District 4 Coun. Mary Elliott