2021 MOPC Volunteer of the Year - Ann Munro


Ann Munro of Eden Lake, Pictou County is the Municipality of Pictou County’s 2021 Volunteer of the Year.


Ann was nominated for this award by The Garden of Eden Community Centre.  She was the driving force behind the capital project of upgrading the Community Centre and she worked tirelessly throughout the entire process.   The centre is now accessible and is a great asset to the small rural community.


“Simply keeping her word makes Ann stand out,” said Glenda Fraser, who nominated Ann on behalf of the centre. “If she commits to a volunteer job, she sees it through to completion.  Ann is very approachable, pragmatic, and diplomatic in all her endeavours.  I am proud to call her my neighbour and friend.”


In addition to her work with the Community Centre Ann is involved with the Women’s Institute, The Nova Scotia Gaelic Society, The Pictou Exhibition, Pictou County Seniors Lunch and Learn, The Blue Mountain Fire Department, and much more.


Ann said she started volunteering when her children were young and they lived in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.   They moved to Pictou County in 2008 and with her volunteerism.


“Do you remember a couple of years ago, Tim Horton’s had a placement out that when you went into their stores, they put a placement on your tray?  It said, ‘The best part of being in the community, is being in the community’, meaning that if you are going to be there, you are going to be in it.   That is kind of how I feel. Why should have someone else have to do it all?”


In recognition of this honour, Ann will receive a plaque from the Municipality of Pictou County as well as the Nova Scotia Government.