Community groups interested in hiring summer students this year have another week to get their grant information into the federal government.
Read more about 'Summer student federal grant application deadline extended'...
PICTOU, NS - As dusk approaches, a homeowner looks outside of his or her residence and notices that things don’t look quite as bright as they have in the past.
The pre-qualification phase for Highway 104 twinning request for proposals is complete.
Read more about 'Three Partnerships Qualify to Bid on Highway 104 Twinning Tender'...
The Bridgeville Community Club is nearing the completion of its renovations that include the addition of new washrooms and kitchen area.
On hand for the installation of a new automated external defibrillator in the Durham Church Hall are, from the left: , Verd Locke and Marlene MacAulay from the Durham Board…
Read more about 'Durham Church Hall installs new life saving device'...
Shelley Sarson, left, and her sister Margaret Dalton are regular walkers at the Hector Arena in Pictou.
The Municipality of Pictou County's Property and Financial Services meetings will be postponed until Wednesday, January 23 at 7 p. m. in council chambers.
Information provided by the Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education: The Pre-Primary program is voluntary and is open to all children who are at least four years old by December 31st, 2018 and live…
Read more about 'Pre-Primary Registration For 2019-20 Now Open'...
The Good Neighbour Energy Fund is available again this winter to provide financial assistance to low income Nova Scotians needing help with emergency home heating.
A public meeting concerning traffic safety issues at the intersection of the Trenton Connector and Abercrombie Road will be held Tuesday, January 29th at 7 p. m.
Read more about 'Jan. 29 Public Meeting to Address Traffic Safety Concerns in Abercrombie'...