Volunteer nominations now being accepted
Did you konw: More than 410,000 Nova Scotians volunteer, contributing an average of 192 hours per year. That’s almost 79 million hour of volunteering!
PICTOU, NS - The Municipality of Pictou County is now accepting nominations for Representative Volunteer of the Year.
Volunteers are special individuals who give freely of their time, talents and enthusiasm for the benefit of others. Their efforts help support many initiatives, services, events and programs, and sustain us during times of crisis.
Every April, during National Volunteer Week, the Province of Nova Scotia celebrates volunteers nominated by organizations and communities at the Provincial Volunteer Awards. This year, the ceremony will take place on April 1st.
Volunteers can be nominated in three categories: Representative Volunteer Award, Youth Volunteer Award, and Family Volunteer Award.
Representative Volunteer Award
Each Municipality in Nova Scotia selects one representative volunteer per year to attend the Provincial Volunteer Awards Ceremony.
If you know an outstanding volunteer in your community who has made a significant contribution to residents of the Municipality of Pictou County, we encourage you to submit a brief letter of nomination detailing their efforts. One nominee will be selected by the Municipality for official recognition.
Please contact Municipality of Pictou County Recreation Coordinator Cindy Fraser to inquire about criteria, local nomination deadlines, and how to nominate a deserving volunteer. She can be reached at cindy.fraser@munpict.ca or by calling 902-485- 8528. The deadline for this nomination is Feb. 8, 2019.
Youth and Family Volunteer Awards:
Nominations for the Youth Volunteer Award and Family Volunteer Award can be submitted directly to the province. The deadline for this nomination is Feb. 25, 2019 and nomination forms for each of these awards will be posted at https://novascotia.ca/NonProfitSector/ProvincialVolunteerAwards. For further information, email volunteerawards@novascotia.ca
Youth Volunteer Award Criteria:
- be a volunteer aged 13 to 24
- have made a significant contribution to a range of causes, for at least two - years.
- be willing to be nominated
- have not previously been a recipient of this award
Family Volunteer Award Criteria:
- have demonstrated volunteer leadership and consistent caring for their community for at least 5 years
- be a family of two or more people (not a couple), living in the same community
- be willing to be nominated and have not previously been recipients of this award