Council agrees to forming a climate change committee

The Municipality of Pictou County will be forming an ad hoc committee on climate change.

A motion was passed during November’s property services meeting for Council to look at climate change initiatives locally that could make a difference in the long term for Pictou County residents.

The idea for an ad hoc climate change committee was brought forward by District 9 Coun. Peter Boyles, who said that municipalities across Canada are being encouraged to take a stand on the issue.

“I really think an ad hoc committee should be formed to gather information and come up with ways if not to stop but slow down climate change,” said Coun. Boyles.

The motion received unanimous support from fellow councilors who saw this as an opportunity to take the lead on this important issue.

“I support having a committee,” said District 3 Coun. Darla MacKeil.  “I have placed climate change on the agenda a while ago, and I want a committee that is more than writing letters.  We have to be proactive, and I don’t think we can sit back and wait for someone else to be a leader.”

The makeup of the ad hoc committee and its mandate will be discussed in the future.